Traveling with horses can be an exciting and rewarding experience, whether you’re heading to a competition, trail ride, or a new barn. However, it can also be a stressful endeavour if not properly planned and executed. To ensure a safe and comfortable journey for both you and your equine companion, we’ll share some valuable tips for a stress free travel experience.


  1. Plan Ahead: The key to a successful horse trip begins with thorough planning. Start by creating a checklist of everything you’ll need, from tack and feed to first aid supplies and paperwork. Ensure your horse is up to date on vaccinations and health certificates if crossing international borders.
  2. Choose the Right Horsebox: Selecting the appropriate horsebox is crucial. Make sure it’s well maintained, clean, and spacious enough for your horse to stand comfortably. Here at Cooke Coachbuilders we have a range of Horseboxes to fit your individual requirements.
  3. Loading and Unloading Practice: Practice loading and unloading your horse well in advance of the trip. Make it a positive experience with treats and patience. If your horse is new to travelling, take the time to familiarise them with the horsebox gradually.
  4. Safety First: Safety should be your top priority. Ensure that all equipment, including brakes and lights, is in good working condition. Check the tires and inflate them to the recommended pressure. I
  5. Comfort and Security: Inside the horsebox, provide ample bedding to keep your horse comfortable during the journey. Use shipping boots or wraps to protect their legs and consider a head bumper to prevent injury. Secure your horse with a properly fitting halter and lead rope.
  6. Traveling Supplies: Pack all the essentials for your horse, including hay, water, and grain. Ensure your horse has access to fresh water throughout the journey. Bring extra supplies in case of unexpected delays.
  7. Take Breaks: Just like humans, horses need breaks during long journeys. Plan stops every few hours to allow your horse to rest, stretch, and have a drink. Monitor their condition and make any necessary adjustments.
  8. Monitor Temperature: Keep an eye on the temperature inside the horsebox. Ensure it’s well-ventilated to prevent overheating, but also protect your horse from drafts or extreme cold.

For more information about any of our horseboxes or repair services, get in touch with us on 01270 588598.