Travelling with horses during the winter months can require careful planning to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your companions. Harsh weather conditions, chilly temperatures, and slippery roads can pose challenges, but with the right preparation, you can make the journey comfortable and stress-free for both you and your horses. In this blog post we here at Cooke Coachbuilders are sharing some essential tips for travelling with horses this winter.

Check Your Vehicle
Before hitting the road, it’s crucial to thoroughly inspect your horsebox. Ensure that your vehicle is in excellent working condition, paying close attention to the brakes, lights, and tires. Additionally, check for any structural issues, making sure it’s well ventilated and equipped to handle winter conditions. A routine maintenance check can prevent breakdowns and keep your journey smooth.

Weather Forecast
Stay informed about the weather forecast along your route. Winter weather can be unpredictable, so plan your travel days when conditions are most favourable. Avoid travelling during heavy snowfall or icy conditions and be flexible with your schedule to accommodate changes in weather. Consider alternative routes if necessary, and always have a backup plan in case of unexpected delays.

Layered Protection
Just as you bundle up to stay warm, your horses need extra protection during winter travels. Ensure they have a thick winter coat or invest in equine blankets to provide an additional layer of warmth. If your journey involves long periods of standing still, consider using leg wraps to prevent stiffness. Keep in mind that proper ventilation is essential to prevent overheating, so balance warmth with airflow.

Safe Loading and Unloading
Loading and unloading horses in icy or snowy conditions can be tricky. Take your time and use non-slip mats in the horsebox to provide stable footing. If your horses are not accustomed to horseboxes, consider practising loading and unloading in a safe environment before the journey. This will help reduce stress for both you and your horse.

Emergency Kit
Prepare for the unexpected by assembling a comprehensive emergency kit. Include essentials such as first aid supplies, a flashlight, extra blankets, and non-perishable horse feed. In the event of a breakdown or unforeseen circumstances, having these items on hand can make a significant difference in the wellbeing of your horses.

To discover our range of horseboxes contact a member of our team on 01270 588598 today.