If you love horses, you have probably been met by people trying to stereotype you once or twice. Not everyone shares a special interest in these equestrian creatures and lots of people missed out on the luxury of being able to ride them. Fewer still are the number of people who invest their love of horses into the purchase of a premium horsebox. As coach built horsebox builders with decades of experience honing our craft and pouring time into our passion, we can relate to those who want the best things in life for both them and their horses.

It’s DNA

Our business began life in 1974. The fact we still provide premium horse transport to so many customers around the UK today should convey our level of devotion to perfecting our craft. This kind of passion can only be rivalled by those who compete with their horse as the adaptability, determination and specialist skill needed to succeed is comparable. From Cooke’s founding father Geoff to his son Matthew, this niche interest has been passed down the family in much the same way as a love of horses does. Trust manufacturers with the same interests as you to guarantee we speak your proverbial language with every feature we put into our coach-built horseboxes.

The Same Language

Perhaps the most important part of the service horsebox builders like us provide is the ability to cater to your bespoke requests. After all, a coach-built horsebox is a sizable investment of your money and time – it should reflect your preferences down to every last design detail. This is a service our team have been proud to provide for years, from being able to heating in external tank lockers to installing satellite TV to make those long journeys more enjoyable.


Contact Us

Contact experienced horsebox builders with the same passion as you to receive the best coach-built horsebox for you and your horse. Get in contact one of our friendly representatives by calling +44 (0) 1270 588598 today.